Honest Components Logo
What We Do?
We procure new and original, obsolete/hard-to-find electronic board-level components. We bear the cost of testing EVERY order at Global ETS, an independent, third-party, ISO17025/AS6081 certified military/aerospace lab.
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We Do It All
Our extensive line card, featuring over 50,000 board-level electronic components from leading manufacturers like AMD, Intel, and Texas Instruments, ensures we can fulfil your diverse project needs. Whether you require connectors, capacitors, microcontrollers, or memory chips, we're your one-stop source.
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Authenticity You Can Trust
As suppliers who guarantee their electronic board-level components and active GIDEP members, we actively contribute to the fight against counterfeit components. We employ advanced authentication techniques, such as X-ray inspection and decapsulation, and collaborate with industry experts to safeguard your supply chain and the integrity of your mission-critical systems.
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Guaranteed Quality
Uphold the highest standards of quality and compliance with board-level electronic components guaranteed by independent testing at an AS6081 and ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test lab. Your reputation and project success are our top priorities.
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Ensuring Seamless Operations
Don't let obsolete electronic board-level components derail your projects. We proactively monitor component life cycles, providing timely alerts about end-of-life notices and offering alternative sourcing options or last-time buys. Our goal? To keep your production lines running smoothly and efficiently.
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Export Compliance
We navigate complex export regulations and ensure secure delivery of even the most hard-to-find electronic board-level components. Our expertise in international trade compliance mitigates risk and keeps your projects moving forward, no matter the destination.
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AMD Announces End-of-Life For Nearly 200 Programmable Logic Device Products

Over 50 combined years electronics experience
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Over 200,000 components supplied annually
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Six Internationally Recognised Accreditations
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Jackie Schwab, Honest Components President, explains that Honest Components sends every order to a 3rd party, independent AS6081/ISO17025 military/aerospace-certified lab.

Honest Component’s President, Jackie Schwab, explains our unwavering commitment to quality and transparency. As a supplier who guarantees their electronic board-level components, we go above and beyond industry standards. 

Every single order we fulfil is meticulously tested at a 3rd-party, independent AS6081 and ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test lab. This military/aerospace-grade certification ensures the authenticity, reliability, and performance of every component you receive.

Our 90-day Guarantee and RMA Protection

Many independent suppliers have large purchase order (PO) minimums and are unwilling to offer their customers small quantities, which can be a major hurdle for smaller projects or prototypes.

Some offer guarantees with such a short duration that by the time your assemblers complete their build, the guarantee has already expired, leaving you with no recourse if a component fails. 

Sadly, some independent suppliers consider Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs) a “cost of doing business,” accepting a certain level of returns as unavoidable.

As suppliers who guarantee their electronic board-level components, Honest Components works with our customers’ needs in mind. We understand the challenges of sourcing the right quantities and the importance of having a reliable guarantee throughout your project timeline. 

That’s why we offer a 90-day form, fit, function (FFF) guarantee on all board-level electronic components and material, backed by a hassle-free RMA process. We’re committed to ensuring your electronic board-level components work seamlessly in your application, whether new, obsolete, or hard-to-find. Should any issue arise, we’ll make it right.

What We Do

Our Services

Supplying Electronic Components

50+ Years Experience In Component Supply. We supply the highest-quality board-level electronic components to our clients, ensuring their projects meet or exceed industry standards.

Knowledgeable Technology Sales Team

Our knowledgeable technology sales team has over 50 years of experience in the industry, providing expert guidance and personalised solutions.

Client Satisfaction

We provide our clients with reliable replacement parts or alternate solutions when faced with obsolete or hard-to-find components.

Why Choose Us?

Quality, Integrity, and Affordability

Why We Are Different?

Honest Components, Inc. is an independent supplier specializing in obsolete and hard-to-find electronic board-level components. We play a vital role in the electronic component supply chain by sourcing high-quality components at competitive prices with shorter lead times than our competitors. 

As a electronics supplier who guarantees their electronic board-level components, we pride ourselves on honesty and integrity in all our transactions. Our AS6081 and ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test lab ensures the quality and authenticity of every component we supply.

Is Your Supplier Cutting Corners?

Part Condition Codes Defined?

Client Reviews

What Clients Say?

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